The Simplepay Foundation

We embrace our responsibility to create a positive impact in the communities in which we work and live. SimplePay capital has been an early adaptor of a strong CSR agenda, along with sustained economic performance and robust eco-sustainability management.

About The Foundation

SimplePay foundation was established to direct our resources and social work to causes we truly believe in; create opportunities for women and help youth with their education rights. Our dedicated team at Simple Pay Foundation identifies programs related to Education and Women Empowerment that raise hope and opportunity across East Africa. 

Every year numerous children get enrolled in government schools but only few of them complete elementary education. The schools lack basic amenities, adequate infrastructure, professional teachers, effective teaching aids and efficient management etc. In order to support the education system in tackling these problems, SimplePay Capital Limited took up education as one of the major focus areas of CSR and has been engaged in various initiatives, to bridge the existing gaps and provide an enabling environment for effective learning.

Our holistic approach towards children’s education means that we not only focus on their academics but also on their nutrition, hygiene, and good habits. We routinely conduct immunisation camps and medical check-ups in schools, provide potable water, organise awareness sessions for adolescent girls on topics like puberty, menstruation and sexual health. We also promote better hygiene and health through campaigns like Hand Washing Day, Yoga Day, and much more.

Our programmes are aimed at children from age 3 to adults; focusing on students from rural backgrounds in primary, secondary, vocational and higher education segments. In addition, we also identified the need for adult literacy in slum-dwelling areas of metropolitan regions and run adult literacy centres for women.

‘In The Light There Is Hope’ Campaign

The Simple Pay Foundation distributed 10,000 multi-functional, versatile LED sticks to support Kenyans in addressing a range of limitations and restrictions. By virtue of this, Children can now study without hazardous kerosene lamps, at any hour of the day – this is another step towards promoting education, one of our key initiatives. Power cuts and no electricity will no longer be hindrances and the reason to shut down business early, kiosks can sufficiently light their stores and increase revenue. In addition to their practical value, these LED sticks will be a metaphorical source of hope and represent the light and potential that we believe Kenyan citizens radiate. It is often that we take necessities such as electricity and education for granted, with drives such as these, the true insufficiency becomes evident and reiterates the urgency to act.

‘Eye Camp Initiative’

We Partnered up with Westlands Laser Eye Hospital, A tier 1 Eye Care provider in Kenya, on a joint initiative project to provide eyecare in areas we felt there was a severe lack of. Civilians of all ages were welcomed to get their eyes checked, free of charge. Each eye camp has had approximately 150 attendees, most of whom required subsequent medicine or procedures following their diagnosis. We saw the process through from the initial setting up of the camp, to the transport logistics of the patients to and from the clinic in Westlands, to facilitating the glasses and any cost of surgery. We are pleased to announce that over 500 successful eye surgeries have been conducted under the Eye Camp Initiative.

Case Study

We conducted an eye camp in Karika, a community-based organization in Satelite Kawangware. It is an elderly home, housing senior citizens ranging from the age of 50-110yrs of age. Most of them have pre-existing health conditions, have been discriminated against by family members and are struggling with necessities such as proper food, shelter and clothes. Karika is a government backed community organization, by virtue of partnerships such as our collaboration with Westlands Eye Hospital, we are combining resources and expertise to holistically address the requirements and scarcities in society.